A small selection of photos from my tour of Italy in back July showing the use of colour and elaborate details in architecture. The photos in this gallery were taken in Florence, Venice, Milan and the Vatican City.
A small selection of photos from my tour of Italy in back July showing the use of colour and elaborate details in architecture. The photos in this gallery were taken in Florence, Venice, Milan and the Vatican City.
Over the last year I have become increasingly aware of the use of hand lettering in graphic design. There are so many styles of hand lettering that any font which is drawn, written, painted or illustrated by hand can fall into this category of typography. Having seen these beautiful and hand crafted fonts being incorporated into design projects I am determined to learn how to do the different styles of hand lettering nicely. So I have set myself the task of teaching myself the basics over the summer and will be constantly updating my progress here on the blog and on my Instagram. There’s only one slight problem – I’m left-handed!
I have tried to learn before but just get increasingly frustrated due to the perfectionist in me wanting to get it right first time. All the tutorials I have previously watched were by calligraphers and designers who were right-handed which is why I struggled to replicate their techniques, that was until just a few weeks ago when I came across the Instagram of Missy Briggs – fellow lefty and hand lettering lover. And let me tell you, her techniques are life changing! I’ve yet to try them due to being so busy with end of year submissions but I’m so in awe of how she does it I can’t wait for the summer holidays so I can try them out for myself.
If you’d like to see more of Missy’s work, why not visit her Instagram here or visit her blog here.
Keep an eye out for updates on my hand lettering project here on the blog.
Well here it is, the first post on the Karen Elizabeth Design blog!
A couple of times a month I’ll be posting about my current and recently completed projects, other graphic designers who are inspiring me and graphic design trends that are influencing my work. There may also be the odd post featuring my own photography and anything I come across that inspires me.
Check back soon for some new blog posts.